Are you intrigued by the idea of cultivating your Golden Teacher mushrooms but unsure of where to start? Known for their psychoactive properties, these psilocybin-rich fungi offer an enjoyable at-home growing experience Amazing Shrooms Online

This blog post simplifies the process with a step-by-step guide tailored to beginners. Let’s dive into this fascinating world and unlock the secrets of successful mushroom cultivation! 

Before You Start Growing Magic Mushrooms at Home 

Magic mushrooms, also known as psilocybin mushrooms, are fungi that contain the active compound psilocybin. It is important to note that while growing magic mushrooms for personal use may be legal in some jurisdictions, it is illegal in many countries without the proper permits or licenses. 

However, there are several benefits to growing your magic mushrooms, such as cost savings and having control over the cultivation process. 

What are magic mushrooms? 

Magic mushrooms, scientifically known as Psilocybe cubensis, are a type of fungus widely recognized for their psychedelic properties. These mushrooms contain psilocybin, an active compound that induces mind-altering effects when consumed. 

Effects can range from visual hallucinations to profound introspective experiences often described as mystical or spiritual. Native to tropical and subtropical environments worldwide, humans have used magic mushrooms for thousands of years across different cultures for healing and religious ceremonies due to these unique qualities. 

In modern times, they’re increasingly being studied by scientists for their potential therapeutic benefits in treating conditions like depression and PTSD. 

Is it legal to grow them? 

The legality of growing magic mushrooms dramatically varies from place to place. In the United States, cultivating psilocybin mushrooms is generally illegal due to their classification as a Schedule I drug under federal law. 

However, there are some exceptions, such as in New Mexico, where the state court ruled that growing your own is not manufacturing a controlled substance. 

Meanwhile, personal cultivation for private use has been decriminalized in Canada and other countries like Brazil. Nevertheless, it still needs to be completely legal everywhere as laws continue to evolve and change. 

Therefore, always consult your local regulations before starting any mushroom cultivation project at home. 

Benefits of growing your mushrooms 

Cultivating your own mushrooms, like the Golden Teacher strain, provides substantial rewards. It offers an engaging hobby and a chance to learn about mushroom life cycles first-hand. 

You can control the growing environment perfectly for optimal growth; this aspect helps in yielding healthier and better-tasting mushrooms. 

Homegrown magic mushrooms save you money over store-bought ones while enjoying fresher produce. Also, watching your fungi thrive from spores to full-grown psychedelic marvels gives immense satisfaction. 

Having access to a steady supply of psilocybin mushrooms could transform your culinary or therapeutic experiences significantly. 

How to Grow Golden Teacher Mushrooms Step-by-Step 

To grow Golden Teacher mushrooms, you will need to follow these steps:

  • Prepare the growing area.
  • Inoculate the substrate with mushroom spores.
  • Wait for colonization to occur.
  • Set up a proper grow chamber.
  • Facilitate fruiting conditions.
  • Finally, harvest your mature mushrooms. 

Preparing the growing area 

To successfully grow Golden Teacher mushrooms, it’s essential to prepare your growing area properly. Start by finding a clean and secure space where you can control the temperature and humidity levels. 

Ensure the area is well-ventilated and has access to natural or artificial lighting sources. Clean all surfaces with a mild disinfectant to remove any potential contaminants. 

Set up shelves or a table to hold your mushroom containers, ensuring they are sturdy and stable. It’s also recommended to use plastic sheeting or liners on the floor as an extra layer of protection against spills or messes during the growing process. 


To begin the process of growing Golden Teacher mushrooms, you will need to perform inoculation. Inoculation refers to introducing mushroom spores or mycelium into a suitable substrate where they can grow and develop. 

This is done by injecting or placing the spores/mycelium onto the substrate material, such as a jar filled with grain or sawdust. 

Vaccination aims to establish a colony of mushroom mycelium that will eventually fruit and produce mushrooms. It’s essential to ensure that all equipment used during this process is sterile to prevent contamination from other organisms. 

Once the substrate has been inoculated, it must be kept in a controlled environment with proper temperature and humidity levels for colonization. 

During this stage, the mycelium will spread through the substrate, breaking it down and forming a branching thread network. Maintaining cleanliness throughout this process and handling everything hygienically to avoid any potential issues, later on, is essential. 


After the inoculation process, it’s time for colonization. This is when the mycelium, essentially the mushroom’s vegetative part, starts spreading and taking over the substrate. 

It will eventually form a network of white threads throughout the growing medium. During this phase, it’s essential to maintain proper temperature and humidity levels to encourage healthy growth. 

Keep an eye on any signs of contamination and promptly remove any contaminated jars or bags to prevent further spread. Once colonization is complete, you can move on to preparing your grow chamber for fruiting. 

Preparing the grow chamber 

To prepare the grow chamber for your Golden Teacher mushrooms, clean and sterilize the area thoroughly. Remove any dirt or debris that could contaminate your growing environment. 

Next, set up a humidity and temperature control system to create an optimal climate for mushroom growth. This can be done using a humidifier and a thermostat-controlled heater. Additionally, cover the walls of the grow chamber with reflective material to maximize light distribution. 

Finally, place your inoculated substrate trays in the chamber, ensuring they are kept in a dark, undisturbed space for colonization. 


Once your Golden Teacher mushroom substrate is fully colonized, it’s time to move on to the next step: fruiting. Fruiting is when the mushrooms actually start growing and producing their psychedelic properties. 

To initiate fruiting, you’ll need to create the right temperature, humidity, and light conditions in your grow chamber. Keep the temperature around 70-75 degrees Fahrenheit and maintain a 90-95% humidity level. 

You can achieve this by misting the chamber with water daily. Providing indirect light at this stage is essential, as direct sunlight can be too intense for the delicate mushrooms. 


Harvesting your Golden Teacher mushrooms is an exciting and rewarding part of the cultivation process. Once you notice that the mushroom caps have fully opened and separated from the veil underneath, it’s time to harvest them. 

Using clean scissors or a sharp knife, cut the mushrooms at the base of their stems, careful not to damage any nearby growing mushrooms. Harvesting them at this stage is essential because if they become over-mature, they may release spores that can affect future flushes. 

After harvesting, store your mushrooms properly for long-lasting enjoyment. 

To store your harvested Golden Teacher mushrooms, start by drying them thoroughly. You can use a dehydrator set to a low temperature or simply air dry them in a well-ventilated area away from direct sunlight. 

Once completely dry and crispy, place the mushrooms in an airtight container such as a glass jar or vacuum-sealed bag to protect them from moisture and contaminants. Store these containers in a calm, dark location like a pantry or refrigerator for optimum freshness. 

With proper storage, dried Golden Teacher mushrooms can last up to several months without losing their potency. 

Tips for Growing Golden Teacher Mushrooms 

Maintain the proper temperature and humidity, ensure cleanliness, and use suitable materials and equipment for successful mushroom cultivation. Read on to learn more! 

Maintaining proper temperature and humidity 

To grow healthy and abundant Golden Teacher mushrooms, it is crucial to maintain the proper temperature and humidity levels in your growing environment. Aim for a temperature range of 70-75°F (21-24°C) during the colonization and fruiting stages. 

Use a thermometer to monitor the temperature consistently and make adjustments as necessary. Regarding humidity, aim for around 90% during colonization but reduce it to about 70% once the mushrooms start fruiting. 

Maintaining these optimal conditions will ensure your Golden Teacher mushrooms thrive and produce high-quality yields. 

Ensuring cleanliness 

Maintaining a clean environment is crucial when growing golden teacher mushrooms. Keeping your grow area, equipment, and tools accessible from contaminants will help prevent mould or bacteria growth and ensure healthy mushroom development. 

Regularly sanitize the space with a mild bleach solution and sterilize your equipment before use. Make sure to wash your hands thoroughly and wear gloves during the cultivation process. 

You can create a favourable environment for successful mushroom growth by prioritizing cleanliness. 

Using the suitable materials and equipment 

Using suitable materials and equipment is essential to ensure the successful cultivation of Golden Teacher mushrooms. Firstly, you will need a growing substrate, such as brown rice flour or vermiculite, which provides the necessary nutrients for the mushrooms to thrive. 

Additionally, you will require mushroom spawn or spores to inoculate the substrate and initiate the growth process. When preparing your grow chamber, make sure to use a sterilized container with proper ventilation and adequate lighting. 

Finally, maintaining temperature and humidity levels within the optimal range using a thermometer and hygrometer is crucial for healthy mushroom development. Investing in high-quality materials and equipment can increase your chances of successfully growing Golden Teacher mushrooms at home without any complications or setbacks. 

How to Store Golden Teacher Mushrooms 

Store Golden Teacher mushrooms; they should be dried and stored correctly. 

Drying and storing 

After harvesting your Golden Teacher mushrooms, it’s essential to dry and store them properly to preserve their potency and shelf life. Remove any excess moisture by gently patting the mushrooms with a paper towel to start the drying process. 

Then, place them on a clean drying rack or mesh screen in a well-ventilated area at room temperature. Avoid direct sunlight as it can degrade the active compounds in the mushrooms. 

Allow them to dry completely for about 2-7 days until they become cracker-dry and snap easily when bent. Once dried, store your mushrooms in an airtight container, such as a glass jar or vacuum-sealed bag, away from light and heat sources. 

Recommended storage methods 

Store dried Golden Teacher mushrooms in an airtight container or vacuum-sealed bag. 

Shelf life of dried mushrooms 

Dried mushrooms have a surprisingly long shelf life, making them an excellent option for long-term storage. Dried mushrooms can last up to two years or even longer when properly stored in an airtight container in a cool, dark place. 

This allows you to enjoy the benefits of golden teacher mushrooms long after they are harvested and dried. So whether you’re growing your own magic mushrooms or purchasing them from an online dispensary, drying and storing them correctly ensures that you’ll have a supply on hand whenever you need it. 

Best strains for beginner growers 

The Golden Teacher strain is one of the best strains for beginner growers. It is known for its resilience and ease of cultivation, making it a popular choice among those new to growing mushrooms. 

The Golden Teacher strain produces large, golden-coloured caps with distinctive blue bruising, making it visually appealing. This strain is also known for its potent psychedelic effects, which enthusiasts highly sought after. 

With proper care and attention to detail, beginner growers can succeed with the Golden Teacher strain. 


In conclusion, growing Golden Teacher mushrooms at home can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience. By following the step-by-step guide and implementing the tips, you can create a secure environment for mushroom cultivation and enjoy the benefits of harvesting your psychedelic fungi. 

Get started on your journey into magic mushroom cultivation today!