A large number of countries have legalized casual marijuana Many other states are also considering making it legal. Averagely more than twenty million Americans use weed every month for recreational purposes, from teenagers to adults. Despite the massive acceptance that marijuana is not harmful, it does have some effects on users.

How does marijuana affect the brain?

Marijuana contains substances called cannabinoids, which are chemicals released in your body. Just like any other edible substance, they move from your lungs or stomach, and some of it is absorbed into the bloodstream. They are then transferred into the brain and the rest of your body. Receptors are created in your brain, making you feel “high.” Scientists have evidence that this tends to affect your emotion, motivation, and decision-making process. Effects on the brain bring about impaired learning and memory. Moreover, it hampers attention and social skills. Long term users experience cognitive impairment. What short term effects can marijuana cause?

For casual users who smoke for enjoyment, marijuana has several effects based on the person’s potency. It can affect your ability to think and solve issues; your judgment can be impaired, your reaction tie can be slowed down or sped up, changes in mood and effects on your memory too. This is triggered by the amounts of cannabinoids, the major one being THC.

What long term effects can marijuana cause?

Regular use of cannabis can lead to loss of memory, impaired learning and thinking, changes in brain structure and anatomy, and more so trouble at work or in school. Cannabis contains varying amounts of compounds that are therapeutic, for instance, cannabidiol. Such substances, when smoked they attach to receptors in the brain that are vital for coordination and memory formation. Continuous use of such substances leads to memory loss and impairment in learning.

How does cannabis affect your body?

There are many ways cannabis can affect your health. Smokers experience lung problems, including chronic cough and trouble in breathing. Weed smoke is harmful to lung health. Marijuana combustion contains toxins and carcinogens, which hamper the respiratory system. Marijuana smokers have a long habit of inhaling weed smoke, and this increases exposure per breath to tar. Cannabis clearly damages the human lung, and this explains the reasons for chronic cough and breathing problems.

Marijuana smoking also increases the heart race increasing the risk of a heart attack. There are a number of cell receptors known as cannabinoids. When they come into contact with endocannabinoids, they trigger different reactions. Cannabis contains hundreds of compounds like the THC, which makes marijuana toxic. This might influence the heart rate because it increases the number of heartbeats 20-50 per minute. This condition risks exposure to a heart attack.

Mental health disorders like anxiety and depression are also a result of cannabis consumption. Several studies link cannabis to mental disorders and psychosis. Parts of the brain become activated and flooded with dopamine. Such substances affect the ability of the brain to regulate some reactions accordingly, thus anxiety as well as psychotic behavior. High doses can cause an acute psychotic reaction.

How does marijuana use affect teens?

Marijuana use is linked to;

Lower IQ level

Changes in the brain anatomy and structure leading to impaired learning and attention

Dropping out of school

Performance problems due to impaired judgment

Withdrawal symptoms

Exposure affects brain development

Marijuana users are also at high risk of getting into car accidents because they affect the ability to drive. Although the amount of impairment marijuana causes is unknown, users can easily cause accidents. Pregnant smokers can also expose the unborn children to effects, and when they are born, they experience problems in;



Impulsive behavior


Slow brain development